The “Grenelle Environnement” is the application of the Kyoto Protocol’s decisions. In the food steps of the European’s union engagement known as “3×20” it sketches the states objectives in terms of fighting against climate changes and regulates environmental policies in various sectors such as industry, transportation and construction.
The goals of the 3×20 consist in sustainable development:
- Reducing of greenhouse gas emission by at least 20%
- Improving energy efficiency by at least 20%
- Having at least 20% of the energy consumption coming from renewable energy (France has decided to bring that up to 23% of its consumption)
The construction sector, as opposed to others, has been a part of a professional endeavor with no precedent: “le Plan Bâtiment Grenelle”. As requested by Mr Borloo, secretary of the environment, Mr Pelletier, attorney at law and director of ANAH becomes president of the “Plan Bâtiment Grenelle” and sets up thematic think tanks “Les chantiers du Plan Bâtiment Grenelle”. Its main goal is to support the French government in the set up of the regulation.
The “Plan Bâtiment Grenelle” represents over 20 think tanks.
Since july 2012, Inès Rienmann and Olivier Ortega head the 21st think tank “Innovative financing of efficient energy use”. One of the innovative ideas is the set up of third party investors. The group must define the conditions in which a third party investor can finance an energy renovation.
Anissa Bouhalassa, President of Green Property, spearheads the subgroup “Data and financial modelling of third party investors” and has requested Monceau Invest’s expertise in order to accompany the think tank in the setting up of the financial model.
Technologies: Excel 2010 and VBA